8 customer reviews for Nis Ekspres
Диана Новикова on 08/14/2024 travelled from Skopje - Belgrade and does not recommends Nis Ekspres 👎
Marko on 08/13/2024 travelled from Belgrade - Prokuplje and does not recommends Nis Ekspres 👎
Njihov vozač je pregazio trudnu uličnu kucu i nikad se nisu oglasili povodom toga.
Anđela Rosić on 06/06/2024 travelled from Belgrade - Užice and does not recommends Nis Ekspres 👎
ужасно искуство. Топло вам препоручујем да не путујете са овом компанијом
Vozači neljubazni, autobusi poluraspadnuti i bez numeracije sedišta, staje na svakom ćošku, preskupi.
Nisu hteli da stanu na pumpu ceo put, vozaci se svadjaju sa putnicima, klima 0, muzika 0
Muy Bien! Bus puntual, no tuvimos ningun problema. Los asientos no son muy comodos pero al menos el bus tiene aire acondicionado
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The purpose of the following reviews is to share your experience with Nis Ekspres so that other users can benefit from it in their choice. Please be fair and polite and follow the rules of netiquette.
If you are looking for information on timetables, prices and rides, we recommend using our search engine. For inquiries related to problems with the ticket purchase or your trip, we advise you to contact Nis Ekspres directly. CheckMyBus is in fact not responsible for any shortcomings on the part of the company.